Mille Fait

This may sound very simple but it is FANTASTIC. A family favorite that we beg my mom to make every chance we get. Leftovers are great for breakfast!!

Graham Crackers - whole
2 large boxes of vanilla pudding (the cooked kind, not instant)
4 cups milk
1 pint whipping cream
2 cups Icing Sugar (powdered sugar for you Americans)
1 tsp vanilla
8 tsp hot water
chocolate sauce

Line 13x9 pan with graham crakers.
Cook pudding with milk.
Spread over crackers and cool
Whip the cream and spread over pudding
Top with another layer of graham crackers
Mix powdered sugar, vanilla and hot water and spread over crackers.
Drizzle chocolate sauce across the icing in about 4 lines
Take a knife and draw down through the lines in the opposite direction to make a fancy design.


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