Pulled pork sandwiches

I got this idea from my friend, Jennifer. I made them last night and they were oh so yummy. My mom makes these occasionally with a beef roast. Just as good.

Take a pork tenderloin and toss it in a crock pot. Let it simmer all day so that it is really tender. You can put BBQ sauce on it all day or add later. I did a little of both.
About 1 hour before you serve, take the meat out and shred it with a fork. I drained the juices because it was very watery. Put the meat back in the crock pot and pour BBQ sauce over top. Serve on rolls. Mmmm....
Jennifer insists that you use "Sweet Baby Ray's" BBQ sauce. It was yummy.


Unknown said…
I couldn't help but read this post because I love BBQ. I have to give a plug for Scott's Barbecue Sauce. The company is a family company that's been in the business for generations. One of my NC State buddies is in the family, but opted for a different career path. But his family's sauce is awesome.
Crazedmomof4 said…
Reading this made me hungry for it so I went out & got some yesterday. I'll make it tomorrow for my oldest's birthday. I went out yesterday to get the stuff because I was thinking today was the 29th. Stupid me.

I even got the barbecue sauce you suggested. I never tried it before. We usually use Masterpiece. I saw Sweet Baby Ray's at Walmart & thought I'd try it.

Gingers Mom said…
Mike and Nicki - I will have to see if I can find that sauce out here. Is it readily available? Mmmm...I know ya'll down in NC know how to do some BBQ.
Crazed - it really turns out dliecious and so easy. No need to turn on the oven too on these hot days!!
BabelBabe said…
I am SO making this next week. No oven - perfect!

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