Lorraine's Mexican Pork

This is a wonderful recipe that my Aunt Lorraine used to make. She passed away a few years ago and every time I make it, it gives me the warm fuzzies just thinking of her. Enjoy.

Pork loin - I like to use a tenderloin it is SO yummy and tender that way.
1 large can of stewed tomatoes
Medium Onion
1 small can of chopped green chiles (I use mild, but you can use any spiciness you like)
Garlic to taste
Olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

In a large skillet or pot: Cut up the meat into small pieces, about 1 inch. Chop onion. Brown meat with olive oil and onion (garlic if you like) until pork in nicely browned and onions are tender. Add stewed tomatoes and chiles. Simmer until pork is tender. The longer the better. The last time I made it, I took it out of the skillet and tossed it in the crock pot for about 3 hours. YUM!
You can serve this with Spanish rice. My husband likes it with guacamole, rice and tortillas. He makes it into a taco.


Unknown said…
I'm so trying the Mexican Pork. The Pulled Pork looks super yummy too.
Unknown said…
I'm trying this tonight! Wish me luck and I'll let you know how it turned out.

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